#1280 Steady-foot Heels are Dr. Sole's first heel caps designed for anatomical lasts.
The pattern design is taken from the heel caps on a pair of vintage Alden surgical boots from our archive. Then we refer to the asymmetric curve of the heels on a pair of vintage orthopedic leather shoes and transplant it to this new heel. The asymmetric curve will provide maximum arch support while the heels are installed.
Perfect for Alden's shoes/boots built on the Modified Last or something similar.
#1280 Steady-foot Heel
Color: Black
10 11 12 A 91 94 97 B 82 87 90 C 75 80 82 D 13 13 13 13 14 15 A 100 104 109 B 92 98 101 C 85 89 92 D 13 13 13
Unit of measurement : millimeters (mm)
A: Full Length / B: Length / C: Width / D: Thicknes